Not just another remote control...
The Remo-R is the result of listening to customer feedback, understanding their needs and responding to their requirements.
Customers wanted to save time getting to market, they wanted to reduce tooling costs, simplify the technical development cycle and enjoy a wide range of options and choices to create a device unique to their brand.
In response, we made the investment in production ready tooling for the bottom case and battery cover in advance, so customers have a strong mechanical starting point already prepared.

We undertook the initial PCB development and software integration. Together with our technical partners at Ohsung, the majority of the software debugging has been completed and is Google compliant to the latest standard, whilst our PCB already meets all the required performance demands and CE standards.
And finally, we developed two standard rubber top surface solutions for 35 and 30 key combinations. Once again, production ready tooling has already been undertaken, customers simply choose their colours, their key labelling and supply artwork.
As a result, the Remo-R gives customers a near complete solution offering significant time saving, financial and technical benefits. The only thing left is to decide what the top surface looks like. A great opportunity for set top box manufacturers and operators to fortify their brand identity by giving their device a unique, custom finish.
Not just another remote control, the Remo-R introduces a flexible, new way of thinking about manufacture and development that removes the hurdles associated with bringing a new remote control to market.

Please enjoy our short video below which highlights the key features that make the Remo-R such an innovative device.